Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Journal 7

I would define writing, editing and composing in very similar ways but they are very different. To me, writing has a similar meaning to creating, when someone is writing they are putting thoughts together to creating something with purpose. I think that editing means to review the writing that was made and to pick and chose what needs to stay, what needs to go, and what needs to be added to the writing in order to make it better. Composing is to take the edited writing and give it a rhetorical meaning for an audience.

Key terms that are necessary when defining writing, editing and composing are audience, circulation, design, material, constraints and genre. Audience and circulation are a big part of composing because audience is the purpose for composing and circulation is what we want to happen to our composed work. Design and material are important to the writing and editing process because it helps us decide what we need to improve and where are composed work belongs.

My experiences with project 2 have helped shaped my definitions because of the amount of editing that was done to really make sure my project was perfect. I was able to realized there was a process of writing, then figuring out the materials I am using and the design, then editing, and finally composing and watching my finished work come together.

Outside of this class i've learned that I am doing some form or another of writing, editing and composing in my day to day life and when I think about how the key terms relate, it makes the experience more enjoyable.

Since week 2 of the course I have realized how important constraints is to the theory of composing. When composing, I never really thought about problems I would have, and thought more about the finished product. By completing projects 1 and 2 and finishing up project 3 I have realized that constraints are very common and something that should be thought of when writing, editing and composing.

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