Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Take Away 4/12

Having finished all of the readings for this course, I now have a more in depth understanding of rhetoric. Although I took the actual rhetoric class last semester, WEPO helped me understand rhetoric through a different rhetorical lens. I really didn't understand Gillian Rose's piece at all until we talked about it in class. Then I felt really cool because I used her theories in an assignment about interpretive communities and that helped me understand it even more. I also only understood Shipka's theory of multimodal and such on a very surface level, but the grid helped me understand it with much more breadth. I am still having a hard time understanding Sturken's ideals about screens. It reminds me of terministic screens, which I learned about in my rhetoric class, but I'm not sure if that's the same thing or if I'm drawing parallels that don't exist.

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