Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Writing is a verb and a noun. The verb is the process of creating words to form some sort of meaning. The noun is the product of the verb.

Editing is a verb and a noun. The verb is the process of checking, reviewing, revising, and rewriting a form of text, usually for the purpose of solidification for an audience or purpose. The noun is the product of the verb.

Composing is just a verb. Composition is the noun if you care. Composing is the process of piecing together texts, parts that go into a creating a text, and parts that are already part of a previously existing text. Composition is the product that comes after composing.

As strange as my theory goes, I think the only words necessary to "writing," "editing," and "composing" are those three words as themselves towards each other. I can sit here and try to come up with useless terms (i.e. pencil, keyboard, hands) but I do not want to do that because it's a waste of time. You need writing to edit. You need composition to edit. You need to edit both. Composing can be writing. Writing can be composing. They all correspond with each other and rely on each other like a beautiful love triangle of text.

If all three of those terms were a part of the same thing, they would be part of, you guessed it, text. Text text text text text. My most favorite word. It's the English major equivalent of the word "thing." Every fucking thing is a text. Every text must be composed. Every text may be edited. The majority of text and the large and foundational understanding of what text is, is writing.

I guess with that said, "text" is the only key term here. Text is the only key term we ever need. Text is everything. I remember taking What Is A Text? and midway realizing, "Oh, that's why the class is a question. It's a hypothetical question to never be answered, simply because EVERYTHING is a text." It was like finding out what the Pythagorean Theorem was. Oh, everything is the Pythagorean Theorem. Every single fucking thing.

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