Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Journal 7

Currently, I would define writing as expressing oneself, and one's thoughts for an audience or oneself. I would define editing as making changes and reviewing a work or text. I would define composing as expressing ideas with either writing, images, music, or really anything that can cause a reaction.
Key terms that are necessary for defining those words include thought, medium, and vocabulary.
My experiences with project two have shaped my definitions because it caused me to rethink composing. Instead of just using words, I also used images in my assemblage. I also switched genres and went from print to online, which helped me further understand how writing can have different affects with different mediums. Word choice and vocabulary is also very important to writing, and who you're writing too. I would say that all my experiences, whether or not it is in this class, another class, or outside of school has shaped my definitions. Everything I do shapes my opinions and thoughts, and I'm constantly learning when I write. I've also taken what I have learned in class, and tried applying it to my outside experiences, which is helping me to be a better writer and really understand how all compositions, words or not, can be rhetoric, serves a purpose, and tries to persuade others.
A specific change in my theory of composing that has changed since week two is I have a broader view about what composing actually is. Instead of just relating it to strictly words on a piece of paper, I have realized that it is far beyond that. I think what honestly brought about this change is just talking about it.

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